Keyword order appears to matter for the \blank command. The following example shows all orderings for the set {dimension, nowhite, samepage}, some of which work and some of which do not. It also shows two orderings of {dimension, nowhite, samepage, disable}; one works and the other does not. This happens with TL13 as well as the 2014-06-01 beta. I can find no discussion of keyword ordering in the wiki, on the mailing list, or in the manuals. Is this intentional, and if so, with what other commands are keywords similarly constrained? Whether or not this is intentional, can a developer please provide a suggested ordering to use until this is better documented or corrected? The order that keywords are presented in the wiki and in the reference manual are among those that fail. \starttext \subject{Without disable} 12pt,samepage,nowhite\blank[12pt,samepage,nowhite] works 12pt,nowhite,samepage\blank[12pt,nowhite,samepage] fails samepage,12pt,nowhite\blank[samepage,12pt,nowhite] fails samepage,nowhite,12pt\blank[samepage,nowhite,12pt] works nowhite,12pt,samepage\blank[nowhite,12pt,samepage] works nowhite,samepage,12pt\blank[nowhite,samepage,12pt] works \subject{With disable} 12pt,samepage,nowhite,disable\blank[12pt,samepage,nowhite,disable] works samepage,12pt,nowhite,disable\blank[samepage,12pt,nowhite,disable] fails \stoptext -- Rik Kabel