On 2014-08-07 13:20, Thangalin wrote:
The documentation (http://www.ntg.nl/maps/26/12.pdf) suggests that the
order of citations can be changed using "sorttype=cite".

The example code below writes a 6 in the document. I thought by
setting the sorttype to "cite" that the bibliography order would be
determined based on the order that the "cite" macros occur in the

If I have understood correctly, then the sample document should write
a 1 in the document.

Any idea why 6 is written instead of 1?

Thank you.

Reverse the order of the last two entries in your bib file and rerun the example. You will no longer have 6 and will now have a significant clue about why the 6 appeared the first time.

Now change the line
rerun, and examine the result.
