On 2015-02-13 03:45, Mikael P. Sundqvist wrote:

with the example below, I have two problems (that are probably
related). In the appendix, the Theorem is numbered "Theorem II"
instead of "Theorem 2", i.e. roman numbers are used instead of arabic

Also, when I refer to Theorem 1 from the appendix , it says "Theorem
I". Again with roman number instead of arabic. I would prefer "Theorem

So, the question reads: How can I get arabic numbers also in the appendix?

(The appendix itself has the letter A as I want it to)




\defineconversionset [bodypart:sectioncounter] [n,n,n] [n]
\defineconversionset [appendix:sectioncounter] [n,n,A] [n]

This is a theorem.


\section{This is the first appendix}

This is another theorem.

What if we refer to the first theorem, Theorem~\in[thm:main]?


In a document that has figures numbered by chapter, I use the following so that I get
Figure J.5 instead of J.V -- perhaps this will provide a starting point:
%% This ensures that appendix figures have numeric, not Roman, numbers %%

\defineconversionset [appendix:floatconversionset] [] [n]
