Please help with the strangest problem I have come across.

The following document fails (does not complete, hangs) when the following conditions hold:
The problem is the same with \usemodule[newotf] and without.

The problem does not occur with:
The issue appears to be related to the st ligature, but only in conjunction with some other letters.

Can somebody else reproduce the problem. For the record, this is running on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.

The problem document:

  \definefontfeature [ff:ebg][default][
                                       clig=yes,hlig=yes,  %% 1 %%
  \definefontfamily  [mainface][serif][ebgaramond]
  \setupbodyfont     [mainface]
% \mainlanguage[la]                                        %% 2 %%
  \mainlanguage[fr]                                        %% 3 %%
  \it                                                      %% 4 %%
% \tf                                                      %% 5 %%
  astro                                                    %% 6 %%
% aStro                                                    %% 7 %%
% asTor                                                    %% 8 %%
