Mari Voipio
8. September 2015 13:40

I recently had to reformat a document that contains mathematical
notation and I was surprised how easy it was once I got the hang of
it. There's only one tiny problem:

I have one equation inserted with \placeformula. Currently this
formula gets numbered as equation 2.1 as it is in chapter two. I would
prefer it to be called just (1) instead of (2.1).

The display math page at <>
says to use \setupnumber[formula][way=bysection] to get formulas
numbered by section, but there are no hints on numbering the formulas
with a running number independent of the section numbering.
You can disable the chapter, section etc. number with the "prefix=no" setting
but you should also add "way=bytext" because the prefix setting won't stop
context from resetting the counter with each new chapter, or section.

%% begin example



1 + 2 = 3

%% end example
