> Jan Tosovsky > 2. April 2016 um 23:42 > I thought Hans could also mean something like example below, but while > leftskip should 'indent' all lines inside paragraph, it works only for > the first one. Moreover, protrusion is not applied as well. And \crlf > doesn't seem to be soft linebreak as it behaves like normal \par > command - which is most likely explanation for that indenting issue. > > {\leftskip=2cm > “line1\crlf > line2\crlf > line3\crlf > line4. > } Indenting the whole textblock with \leftskip (or better ConTeXt’s narrower environment) doesn’t prevent protrusion as can be seen in the following example. \definefontfeature[default][default][protrusion=quality] \setupbodyfont[modern-designsize] \starttext “\vl Text\par \vl Text \startnarrower “\vl Text\par \vl Text \stopnarrower \blank[3*line]\setupalign[hanging] “\vl Text\par \vl Text \startnarrower “\vl Text\par \vl Text \stopnarrower \stoptext Wolfgang