> L.S.-Soc&Gam > 10. April 2016 um 02:33 > Hi guys, > > i've already searched the mailing list for this but i still am having > a problem while trying to create a matrix. > my code looks like this: > > \startformula > S=\left(*\matrix**{* > \sigma_x *&* \tau_{xy} *&* \tau_{xz} *\cr* > \tau_{yx} *&* \sigma_y *&* \tau_{yz} *\cr* > \tau_{zx} *&* \tau_{zy} *&* \sigma_z *\cr* > *}*\right)_{xyz} > \stopformula > > But since a few days, there are only empty braces after compilation. > The funny thing is, i worked already. but i've updated context at > least once since (only 5 days ago, betas included) and since then > after compiling there are only empty braces. When i enter > > \startformula > S=\left( > 1234 > \right)_{xyz} > \stopformula > > the 1234 shows fine between the braces. so it seems to have to do with > \matrix command in some way... > i don't know any alternative way to create a matrix. any help would be > appreciated. Your code works fine here but I suggest to use ConTeXt’s own matrix environment. \starttext \startformula S = \startmathmatrix[left=\left(,right=\right)] \NC \sigma_{x} \NC \tau_{xy} \NC \tau_{xz} \NR \NC \tau_{yx} \NC \sigma_{y} \NC \tau_{yz} \NR \NC \tau_{zx} \NC \tau_{zy} \NC \sigma_{z} \NR \stopmathmatrix_{xyz} \stopformula \stoptext Wolfgang