> Jean-Pierre Delange > 15. August 2016 um 13:19 > > Dear Wolfgang, > > Thanks a lot ! In order to verify the mechanism with a French > document, I have set your code sample with French commands and replace > 'Content' by 2 texts of around 15 lines each (after removing \input > tufte and \input ward previously given), and fill the tables titles > with words of my own. All is fine, except hyphenation which doesn't > appear here. > > \mainlanguage[fr] > > \setcharacterspacing[frenchpunctuation] > > \defineparagraphs[n=1, align={hz,hanging}] > > \setupalign[hyphenated] > > > > You may try with this text (in place of 'Content') : > « Dans la société présente, où le jeu de la spécialisation s’est outré > automatiquement, les fonctions intellectuelles et les fonctions > manuelles ne sont presque jamais attribuées aux mêmes ouvriers. » 1. Create a working minimal example, not only code snippets. 2. Start a new thread [1] for your question. [1] http://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/computers/netiquette/email/start-new-thread.html Wolfgang