> Florian Leupold > 19. Oktober 2016 um 14:51 > Dear list, > > how can I clone \underbar (for the purpose of changing settings for > the clone afterwards)? > > Just using \definebar to inherit \underbar’s properties does not > entirely work, see MWE: > > \definebar[myBar][underbar] > \starttext > underbar text mode: \underbar{$a^b$} \crlf > underbar math mode: $\underbar{a^b}$ \crlf > myBar text mode: \myBar{$a^b$} \crlf > myBar math mode: $\myBar{a^b}$ > \stoptext ConTeXt uses different code for the \underbar commands inside and outside of math mode, in text mode \underbar uses the version which is created with \definebar but when you’re in math mode a simpler version (which is taken from plain TeX) is used. Your \myBar command on the other side is always the same in text and math mode. Wolfgang