Tomas Hala
11. April 2018 um 19:36

I have got a document with e.g. six chapters, numbers are from 1 to 6.
At special places I would like put a special page containing a special title.
The special page should be without a header and without any number,
the title should be put into the contents by the same way as other chapters..

I came across two problems:

First, in the minimal example below I get chapter numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
and if I use incrementnumber=no, the "specialpage" is not stored in the contents.

Secondly, I do know how to switch off the header only at this special page.

I also tried \definehead[specialpage][title] but in this case the "specialpage" is not stored in the
contents, too.

Like this?

\definehead [specialpage] [chapter]
\definehead [levelA]      [chapter]




\specialpage{Special page 1}
\specialpage{Special page 2}

