All, As Idris and Hans expected, Ruby was the culprit. I had installed Ruby before downloading, as that was what I used to do in the old days with a Miktex installation. After following exactly these directions: http:// Scite now works on context documents. I tried to add to the global with "import metapost". I can "Build" a file, but the "Go" command does not work because I don't have gv installed. So I opened and tried changing the gv command to gsview32 (and even tried "c: \Program Files\ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe"), but neither worked. Any suggestions how I can get the "go" command to work? Secondly, what would I do to compile a metapost file in scite directly into PDF? I am aware of context way with processMPbuffer and other assorted tricks, and I am aware of mptopdf, but what I am looking for is to configure Scite to compile the metapost file and open it in acrobat reader. Here is the test file I am trying to compile. beginfig(1); numeric u; 10u=4in; drawdblarrow (-5u,0)--(5u,0); drawdblarrow (0,-5u)--(0,5u); endfig; end. David Arnold College of the Redwoods Mathematics Department Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 476-4222