Hi Hans, the \usezipfile command doesn’t work work. I can get rid of one problem when I make the following change in data-zip.lua: function resolvers.usezipfile(archive) local specification = resolvers.splitmethod(archive) -- to be sure local archive = specification.filename if archive and not registeredfiles[archive] then local z = zip.openarchive(archive) if z then local tree = url.query(specification.query).tree or "" if trace_locating then report_zip("registering, registering archive '%s'",archive) end statistics.starttiming(resolvers.instance) resolvers.prependhash('zip',archive) resolvers.extendtexmfvariable(archive) -- resets hashes too registeredfiles[archive] = z -- instance.files[archive] = resolvers.registerzipfile(z,tree) resolvers.instance.files[archive] = resolvers.registerzipfile(z,tree) statistics.stoptiming(resolvers.instance) elseif trace_locating then report_zip("registering, unknown archive '%s'",archive) end elseif trace_locating then report_zip("registering, '%s' not found",archive) end end Another problem afterward is that context can’t load the file in the zip archive even though it can find it as seen in the error message: ! I can't find file `lipsum.zip?name=tex/context/third/lipsum/lipsum.tex'. Wolfgang