hi I defined e new head like this: \definehead[class][subject] \setuphead[class][placehead=no] in the text I defined a head as \class{TRANSLATOR\_APPLICATION} in my header I want to have the follwoing output: "Exercise 5 - TRANSLATOR_APPLICATION" i tried \setupheadertexts[Exercise 5 - class] but then the output is: "Exercise 5 - class] how can I get what I want? if I only type \setupheadertexts[class] then the output is "TRANSLATOR_APPLICATION" thx for help severin -- HoHoHo! Seid Ihr auch alle schön brav gewesen? GMX Weihnachts-Special: Die 1. Adresse für Weihnachts- männer und -frauen! http://www.gmx.net/de/cgi/specialmail +++ GMX - die erste Adresse für Mail, Message, More! +++