Hi, I've receiving errors that seem to be related to hyphenatedurl. The problem is I cannot really reproduce it in a MWE. The example below works, but if I include the link in my real document, I'am getting this error message (copied from -error.log): %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% return { ["errortype"]=1, ["filename"]="", ["lastcontext"]="\n \n \n \\xdef \n \\expanded \n #1->\\xdef \n \\m_syst_helpers_expanded {\\noexpand #1}\\m_syst_helpers_expanded \n \\22>:xml:ext-link \n #1->\\begingroup \\expandUx \\expanded \n {\\goto {\\hyphenatedurl {\\xmlflush {#1}}}[url(\\xmlflush {#1})]}\\endgroup \n \n \\22>:xml:p \n #1->\\begingroup \\xmlfilter {#1}{.[@xml:lang]/command(xml:language)}\\xmlflush {#1}\n \\endgroup \\par \n \n ...\n\n \n \n\n", ["lastluaerror"]="", ["lasttexerror"]="Missing number, treated as zero", ["lasttexhelp"]="A number should have been here; I inserted '0'. (If you can't figure out why I\nneeded to see a number, look up 'weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)", ["linenumber"]=9, ["offset"]=10, ["skiplinenumber"]=5, } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Two things seemed to make it work: 1. Remove the link. 2. Comment out \expandUx in this setup: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \startxmlsetups xml:ext-link \begingroup \expandUx % commenting this out makes it work \expanded{\goto{\hyphenatedurl{\xmlflush{#1}}}[url(\xmlflush{#1})]} \endgroup \stopxmlsetups %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Best, Denis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupinteraction[state=start] \startxmlsetups xml:test \xmlsetsetup{#1}{*}{-} \xmlsetsetup{#1}{article|ext-link}{xml:*} \stopxmlsetups \xmlregistersetup{xml:test} \startxmlsetups xml:article \starttext \xmlflush{#1} \stoptext \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:ext-link \begingroup \expandUx \expanded{\goto{\hyphenatedurl{\xmlflush{#1}}}[url(\xmlflush{#1})]} \endgroup \stopxmlsetups \startbuffer[test]
asdf asdf
\stopbuffer \xmlprocessbuffer{test}{test}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%