Am 03.06.2012 um 15:26 schrieb Alan Bowen: > I have been following this with some interest, since I am having a similar problem with the vertical spacing between notes in MKII. > > In > > \setupfootnotes[conversion=numbers, > way=bytext,location=page,rule=on,bodyfont=9.6pt, > style=normal,after={\blank[3pt]}] > \starttext > > This is > \footnote{abcde.} a test > \footnote{ABCDE.} line with > \footnote{GHIJK.} footnotes. > \footnote{ghijk.} > > \stoptext > > I am finding that adjusting “before” and “after” affects the placement of notes on a given page as a block, but leaves the spacing between the notes on the list unchanged. So, is there a way to adjust the vertical spacing between notes in MKII? % engine=pdftex \setupnotedefinition[footnote][before={\blank[5mm]},after={\blank[5mm]}] \starttext \showframe \dorecurse{5}{foot\footnote{note} } \stoptext Wolfgang