I did not succeed in on-the-fly loading data from an xml-buffer and subsequently executing its content. The accompanying minimal example of a shows what I strive to accomplish. The node contains the buffered data (abc meant to be set in bold) and node executing the typesetting. As can be seen the output the xyz outside is correctly set in bold, but the contents of is not processed: the xml is just reproduced. Obviously there is some misunderstanding on my part. I would like to be pointed in the right direction. Hans van der Meer \startbuffer[demo-xml] abc xyz \stopbuffer \enabletrackers[lxml.loading,lxml.setups] \startxmlsetups xml:demo:base \xmlsetsetup{#1}{document|buffer|getbuffer|execbuffer|b}{xml:demo:*} \stopxmlsetups \xmlregisterdocumentsetup{demo}{xml:demo:base} \startxmlsetups xml:demo:buffer ... enter for "\xmlatt{#1}{name}"\crlf \xmltobuffer{#1}{.}{\xmlatt{#1}{name}} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:getbuffer ... enter for "\xmlatt{#1}{name}"\crlf \xmlprocessbuffer{}{\xmlatt{#1}{name}}{xml:demo:execbuffer} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:execbuffer ... enter \crlf \xmlall{#1}{buffer/*} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:b \xmlstripnolines{#1}{.} {\bf\xmlflush{#1}} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:document \writestatus{TEST}{start document} start document "\xmldocument"\blank \xmlflush{#1}\blank stop document "\xmldocument"\blank \writestatus{TEST}{stop document} \stopxmlsetups \starttext \textrule{Demo of buffer: demo.xml} ==========\crlf \xmlprocessbuffer{demo}{demo-xml}{} ==========\crlf \stoptext