It seems to be syntex/luatex related. Here's a minimal example using the sample.bib from the wiki ( %%% \enabledirectives[system.synctex] \setupbibtex[database={sample},sort=author] \starttext \chapter{Bibliography} \completepublications[criterium=text] \stoptext %%% error: !LuaTeX error (file /usr/share/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmroman12-regular.otf): Parsing CFF DICT failed. (error=-1) ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! note: * criterium=all works, obviously I have cite's in my document, but that shouldn't matter * commenting out the synctex line also makes it work again * somehow the problem is in combination with a title element (part, chapter, etc.), because without it it works again as well More verbose log attached. Adam