Monday, October 16, 2000 Hans Hagen wrote: HH> The discussion about << is interesting in itself, since the cmr's don't HH> have them and using less then signs as substitute is horror for the real HH> typographer. So far I'm lucky that nobody noticed, For those who don't remember, the discussion about << was related to the fact that Italian typography rules want guillemots to be repeated at the beginning of each paragraph of a speech. Like this: <> he said << This is a speech I'm doing. <> <> said the other. Hans Hagen came out with some code, which I slightly rewrote, and is attached to this post (btw, the code allows the "repeated" quote to be different from the initial quote, like in: <> he said << This is a speech I'm doing. ``This second paragraph is always me speaking, and it wants quotes too. Note however that it is different from the {\em beginning|-|of|-|speech} quoting. ``And so is this one, which is also the last, and thus ends with closing guillemots.>> ). Now I have another question for Hans Hagen: how do I create shorcuts |<<| and |>>| similar to the |<| |>| ones, but that activate speech instead of subsentences? Finally, for the "horrible guillemots" problem ... have you thought about using the ones available in the wasy symbol set? -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta