
I'm planning to write my Master's thesis in history using ConTeXt, and I've done some experimenting on it to see if it's actually suitable for my purposes. Everything seems to be quite simple except for one thing: the bibliography. The bibliography guidelines for our history department are rather complex in comparison to the formats that come packaged with ConTeXt, and I have no idea how to implement them. So far, I've run into two problems:

1. This one's probably very simple: there's the /insertauthors macro for inserting the whole name of the author. But how do you insert just the last name of the author?

2. This one, on the other hand, is likely to be rather non-trivial: the bibliography needs to be broken up into several categories of sources. For example, audiovisual sources, newspaper sources and books should be listed under separate headings, somewhat like this:



[some sources]





I've tried to decipher the source code of the Bib module but as I'm not particularly fluent in TeX, I haven't been able to make much headway so far. I'd appreciate some hints on where to start with this. I don't suppose there's any existing code for something like this? Maybe I'd be better off writing the bibliography by hand?

Thanks for reading,
