Dear All, I have some small diagrams I created with MetaPost in 2005. Just recently I wanted to re-run the build of the PDF. It produced a PDF but the typography looks awful. so I compared (diff) with the previous intermediate files and found that the EPS files produced by the mpost run are identical up to timestamps and that it's only the last step epstopdf that uglifies the output. I'm suspecting the fault to be with the ghostscript or the font installation. Maybe someone here has seen this and knows the fix? One of the diagrams is below. Thanks for all hints and best regards, Marko verbatimtex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} etex; defaultfont := "eurm10"; defaultscale := 10pt /fontsize defaultfont; prologues := 2; input mp-tool; input mp-spec; input boxes; input trees; def_nonterminal(lam, btex \texttt{function} $:: \alpha$ etex); def_nonterminal(app, btex @ $:: \alpha$ etex); def_terminal(fun, btex \texttt{exp}$_1$ $:: \beta$ etex); def_terminal(exp, btex \texttt{exp}$_2$ $:: \gamma$ etex); def_terminal(two, btex \texttt{2} etex); def_terminal(times, btex \texttt{(*)} etex); def_terminal(varx, btex \texttt{arg} $:: \beta$ etex); beginfig(2); app.root(fun, exp); drawtrees(root); endfig; end;