.TH FDF2TEX "1" "May 2004" "teTeX " "ConTeXt" .SH NAME fdf2tex \- Convert PDF formular data (FDF) into something (Con)TeX(t) can handle .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBfdf2tex\fP \fIinfile\fP [ \fIoutfile\fP ] .PP \fBfdf2tan\fP \fIinfile\fP .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Converts PDF formular data (FDF) into something (Con)TeX(t) can handle. These commands are usually called indirectly during ConTeXt file processing. .HP .SH "BUGS" .PP Probably none - all errors are in this manpage .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBtexexec\fP(1)\&. .PP The TeXExec manual, \fImtexexec\&.pdf\fP\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .IP This manual page was written by Frank Küster , for the Debian GNU/Linux system\&. It may be used and modified by others without contacting the author\&.