Dear list, I've got two layout problems I can't resolve by myself: * On the left pages, in the left margin, there is a white stripe. I don't really understand why. I've read on the wiki that when we describe a layout for a double page layout, the left pages layout is a mirror of the right ones. And on the right ones, there are no white stripes... * My 'printer' (the company that will print the booklet for me, not sure that the good word) asks me to provide him with a document that is 2mm larger and 2mm higher that the final one to be sure he can print precisely to the exact border of the paper. I don't want to magnify the whole document as it will maybe cut some information. Any idea on how I could achive that? Linked is the pdf output. Below is the minimal example used to create the pdf output. Thanks a lot for your reply, -AJ Here is my setup: \setuppapersize[A5][A4] \setuparranging[2UP,rotated] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \definelayout [default] [leftmargin=0mm,rightmargin=24mm, topspace=0mm,backspace=10mm, width=115mm, height=middle] \setuplayout[default] \setupbodyfont[sansserif,10pt] \enableregime[utf] \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor [marginblue] [c=.71,m=.58,y=0,k=.43] \setupbackgrounds [text,header,footer] [rightmargin] [background=color,backgroundcolor=marginblue] \starttext page de titre \page[yes] colophon \page[yes] \section{Le mot du président} pouet \page[yes] toujours les bêtises d'Alain \page[yes] \section{Votre comité} \stoptext