Hi Mari, On 9 Dec 2011, at 11:00, Mari Voipio wrote: > On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 11:10, Willi Egger wrote: >> Here is what I interpreted from your mail. May be it answers the first question. Using setups does normally help in these cases. > > It does sort out the font problem - turns out I was almost there, > except that my TOC insisted on being in Arial (and *really* ugly as it > is set up for Candara). Your alternative sorts out that problem, I > tested with > > \placecontent > > \chapter{This is chapter 1} > > \dorecurse{3} > {\input tufte \page} > > \chapter{This is chapter 2} > > \dorecurse{3} > {\input tufte \page} When i use the attached test-file, the TOC is in palatino. May be you have to check, where the \setups is called. Before calling the setups there must be a page break. > > > Even on yours the back cover ends up on the next-to-last page (the > last page being empty), so problem 2 persists. In a real pinch I can > probably fiddle with it in Acrobat (or pdfarrange or something). Yes it is. I tried to use \startstandardmakeup[page=left, doublesided=no] from which I would expect to give the desired result, but it does not. So I am stuck also.