Dear Hans, I noticed a difference between mkii and mkiv in the behavior of \mframed: it seems that in mkiv the frame is not vertically aligned with the the + sign in the following example (or rather it is not vertically centered, please see the attached PDF produced with ConTeXt ver: 2013.10.15 13:52 MKIV). Does one have to use now a new key to require this sort of alignment? Best regard: OK %%%% begin mframed-example.tex \setupcolors[state=start] \def\graymath{\mframed[frame=off, background=color, backgroundcolor=lightgray, backgroundoffset=2pt ]} \starttext Since for $|x| < 1$ we have \startformula \log(1+x) = \graymath{x- \displaystyle{x^2\over2}} + {x^3 \over 3} + \cdots \stopformula we may write $\log(1+x) = x + O(x^2)$. \stoptext %%%% end mframed-example.tex