Dear Aditya, dear Hans, I noticed a serious difference between what one gets for \left\Vert in mkii and in mkiv. Probably this is due to the fact that in mkiv the glyph for \Vert is constructed in a different manner, but as far as I know from what I see in the mathematical printed materials, the correct one, or the expected one, is the output from mkii. I join two small PDF files obtained with the typesetting of the following minimal example: %%% begin test-Vert.tex \let\|=\Vert \starttext Look at the differences between mkii output and that with mkiv: \startformula \left\Vert\int_0^1 G(\cdot,s)ds\right \|_{L^q} \lesssim \|G\|_{L^p}. \stopformula \stoptext %%% end test-Vert.tex Is there a way to redefine locally \Vert (or \|) so that in mkiv one gets the same output as with mkii? Thanks in advance: OK