Hello! I think this is mainly a question to Giuseppe Bilotta, but since the answer may be interesting to others too, I'm asking it in the open and not in a private e-mail. Some time ago Giuseppe presented his module X-Desc to this mailing list which is wonderful for making such things as epigraphs. The only problem with this module is that you have to adapt the texutil.tex each time you download a new version of ConTeXt to make this module run. In the Readme-File Giuseppe says that this will change as soon as modules are supported by texutil.tex. To me it seems, that texutil now supports modules. So the question is : Will there be a new version of X-Desc? Under http://digilander.iol.it/bilotta/giuseppe/xdesc.zip there is still the old version. Don't get me false : I really like this module and will continue to use it whether there will be a new version or not. Thanks for this great module, Giuseppe! It has produced no errors here. The only pain is the changing of texutil.tex. ---------------- Greets, Robert F. Beeger ____________________________________ | | | Robert F. Beeger | | e-mail : robert@beeger.net | | web-site : http://beeger.net | |____________________________________|