2007/12/5, Arthur Reutenauer <arthur.reutenauer@normalesup.org>:
> No! "deo" ist modern German in old orthography (pre-2005).

  OK, so I guess that's what RFC 4646 suggests de-1996 for -- I suppose
the reform was first introduced in 1996 and adopted only later?  See
ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4646.txt, page 13 (Mojca, the
preceding paragraph is for you ;-)

Maybe; we've now the 42th reform of the reform - a lot is back to pre-reform orthography (or both styles are allowed).
2005 was only a estimation - AFAIR in 2005 the reformed orthography became standard for schools and public authorities.

Greetlings, Hraban