Am 21.11.2010 um 13:56 schrieb Philipp A.: > hi, > when i build my context mark iv font database via mtxrun --script font --reload, for some fonts i get italics when i want normal fonts, most notably with “cambria” and “envy code r”. > > with cambria, this is likely due to the fact that the regular and math variants are served within a .ttc file. \setmainfont[Cambria][regularfont=Cambria Math] does the trick (i use simplefonts), as well as some obscure chinese ttc2ttf program i found on the web. > > with envy code r, i have no idea. > mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern="envy*" yields: > envycoder envycoder /home/phil/.fonts/Envy Code R 7/Envy Code R.ttf > envycoderbold envycoderbold /home/phil/.fonts/Envy Code R 7/Envy Code R Bold.ttf > envycoderitalic envycoderitalic /home/phil/.fonts/Envy Code R 7/Envy Code R Italic.ttf > envycodernormal envycoderitalic /home/phil/.fonts/Envy Code R 7/Envy Code R Italic.ttf > > you can see the problem. how can i circumvent it? I guess your version of the simplefonts module is too old because the current version will ignore „envycodernormal“. Wolfgang