The ConTeXt manual tells me on page 237: You can define your own buffer with: \definebuffer[...] ... name After this command /getbuffer and \typebuffer are available where buffer is the name of the buffer. I do: \definebuffer[left] \startbuffer[left] left\crlf \stopbuffer \typeleft and it gives me the error: ! Undefined control sequence. \typeleft ->\dodotypebuffer [left][def-3] l.92 \typeleft then I try: \typebuffer[left] this gives a typeset message [file examdoc-def-2.tmp does not exist] (file examdoc.tex being the containing tex file) when I try \getbuffer[left] or \getleft nothing at all seems to happen? Why doesn't it work according to the manual? Or do I misunderstand the manual completely? Hans van der Meer