I’m normall using Optima Nova on my system, e.g. by defining a font like this: \definefontfamily [archimate] [ss] [Optima nova LT Pro] [tf=style:Medium, bf=style:Bold, it=style:Medium Italic, bi=style:Bold Italic] \setupbodyfont[archimate] I would like to experiment with Gill Sans, but that fails with fonts > defining > unable to define 'GillSans.ttc' as 'archimate-14pt-ss-tf-0--0' It is here: /System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/GillSans.ttc What should I do to be able to use that font? Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn ) R&A Enterprise Architecture (main site) Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture Book: Mastering ArchiMate