Am 20.03.24 um 08:18 schrieb Thomas Meyer:
HI folks,

yesterday while reading along I learned how to suppress the chapter numbers in sections. That was something I was looking for myself.

But how do you use marking correctly in startsection? I would like to see "1. Kapitel - 1. Aufgabe" in the header on the right. How can I automate this with marking?
And how can I reduce the space between the number (1.) and the title (Kapitel or Aufgabe)?

Thanks for your help

Hi Thomas,

do you know how to use \setupheadertexts?

I guess you're using the section level for "Aufgabe"?

Then something like {\getmarking{chapter} – \getmarking{section}} might fit your request.

The formatting should be possible with \setuphead[chapter,section][numberwidth=2em] or "fit".
