2011/2/1 Jörg Hagmann <joerg.hagmann@unibas.ch>

On 2/1/11 3:46 PM, luigi scarso wrote:
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Jörg Hagmann<joerg.hagmann@unibas.ch>  wrote:
Conclusion: Installing the actual minimals in a hidden file doesn't work, in
a "visible" one it does.

Not sure if it's a bug or feature.
If I understand correctly, mkii works ok in "hidden" folders, but mkiv no.
I suspect then a bug in names resolver which  in this situation it's ok .
(perhaps  you can try  with
Doesn't work either. Well - my context directory doesn't have to be hidden - why hide a pretty thing?

Regards, Jörg

Yes, there is a bug when using dots, someone recently triggered it when using versioned names (context-2011.01.18 or something). Not sure if it can be fixed.


Vedran Miletić