Can someone please help me with this? I suppose I have not received an answer because there is no minimal example. I thought it would be straightforward for someone in the forum without seeing an example. Anyhow I have attached a pdf file (includethis.pdf) and a tex file in which I am trying to include pages from the pdf file. I want to increase the left side margin on the pages on which included file is present. Thank you in advance. On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Curiouslearn wrote: > Hello, > > I am trying to use the \copypages command to include a pdf file, > say file3pages.pdf with three pages in my context > document. First, I issued the command: > >    \copypages[file3pages.pdf] > > The pages from file3pages.pdf are too close to the left > margin. There is not enough white space on the left whereas, > there is a lot of space on the right of the included pages. So, I tried > >    \hskip 0.5in \copypages[file3pages.pdf] > > This creates appropriate space on the left of the included pages, > but only for the first page of file3pages.pdf. The second and > third pages of file3pages.pdf are the same as before (too close > to the left margin). > > How can I apply \hskip 0.5in to each of the pages included from the > file3pages.pdf. > Can someone please suggest if there is a better way to > increase the space on the left. Please note that the included > pages do not respect the margins I have set for the document. > > Thanks a lot. >