As an experiment, I'm trying to duplicate a sample InDesign document with ConTeXt. I'm getting the overall layout (though my image positions need tweaking), but I'm having some problems with the fonts. I'm following the examples in , but I haven't seen the \switchtotypeface operator documented anywhere else. I'm on a Windows 7 machine, with minimals installed. I'm trying to use some of the system fonts (Minion, Impact, Myriad), but all I seem to get is CMR. Also, the line spacing on the paragraph at the top of the second page seems very weird. It's an address, and the bottom line is much too high relative to the spacing of the other lines. Here's the file: \definepapersize[card][width=792pt,height=612pt] \setuppapersize[card][card] \definetypeface[impact[rm][serif][mpact regular][default] \definetypeface[minion][rm][serif][Minion Pro Regular][default] \definetypeface[myriad][rm][serif][Myriad Pro Regular][default] \setupcolor[cmyk] \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor[red][c=0,m=.87,y=.87,k=0] \definelayer[textbox][width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=textbox] \def\starttextbox {\dosingleargument\dostarttextbox} \def\dostarttextbox[#1]% {\def\stoptextbox{\setlayerframed[textbox][width=6cm,align=normal,frame=off,#1]{\getbuffer[textbox]}}% \startbuffer[textbox][starttextbox][stoptextbox]} \starttext %\starttextbox[x=12pt,y=20pt,width=768pt] %\useexternalfigure[ador1][Chrysanthemum.jpg][width=768pt] %\placefigure[here,force][]{none}{\externalfigure[ador1]} %\stoptextbox \starttextbox[x=195.3pt,y=115.2pt,width=560.7pt] \switchtotypeface[impact][48pt] \midaligned{Yo, First!} \stoptextbox \page[empty] \starttextbox[x=447.6pt,y=228pt,width=229.5pt] \switchtotypeface[minion][14pt]% Title. First Last \\ Company \\ Street Address \\ City, State, ZIP \stoptextbox \starttextbox[x=85.2pt,y=228pt,width=229.5pt] \switchtotypeface[minion][14pt]% Dear First,\\ \blank Are you aware that now is the {\bf winter of our discontent}? It's been made {\it glori}\color[red]{\it ous} \color[red]{\bi sum}{\bi mer} by this son of York.\\ \blank I say let's put it back the way it was. Are you with me, Last?\\ \blank Good.\\ \blank -pd \stoptextbox %\starttextbox[x=85.2pt,y=62.4pt,width=229.5pt] %\useexternalfigure[ador2][pd-logo-nobg.eps][scale=245.37] %\placefigure[here,force][pdlogo]{none}{\externalfigure[ador2]} %\stoptextbox \starttextbox[x=249.6pt,y=62.4pt,width=298.8pt] \switchtotypeface[myriad][20pt]% Peter Davis\\ Head Hoo-Ha\\ Hoo-Ha House, Inc.\\ 123 Fourfivesix St.\\ Lake Placebo, NY 12345-6789 \stoptextbox \page[empty] \stoptext