>> New build of WinEdt 6.0 (Build: 20101121) has been uploaded to

>> www.winedt.com

>> This build contains macros that work with the latest ConTeXt Mark
>> IV (previous versions were designed for older version of ConTeXt).
>> If you are upgrading from older version of WinEdt make sure that
>> the executable for ConTeXt in WinEdt's Execution Modes is set
>>context.exe (instead of old texexec.exe)...

>>If you (really!?) want to use old ConTeXt Mark II you will have
>>modify the menu item for ConTeXt to call:


 >> instead of

>> ConTeXt.edt

>> News.txt gives the details (read it!)

>> In the meantime another build 20101111 had been available (but
>> never announced on the list). Since then WinEdt takes care of
>> environment variables MIKTEX_EDITOR and TEXEDIT that define the
>> editor response for "e" in MiKTeX and TeX Live.

>> You can install the latest build over the old version of WinEdt 6.0 and
>> then read What's new in the Help menu (if you want to take
>> advantage of certain changes such as new items in the Maintenance
>> Menu designed to load customized scripts etc...).

>> Best regards,

>> alex
Just thought I would post this here for other Winedt users.