Hi Adityam, I am using the t-filter/t-vim module, and got stuck with two problems with it. 1. everything works fine if there is only one \definevimtyping declaration. However, if i declare two of them, as in the following: %%%%%%% \definevimtyping[PythonCode][syntax=python] \definevimtyping[CPPCode][syntax=cpp] \startPythonCode ... % Code A \stopPythonCode \startPythonCode ... % Code B \stopPythonCode %%%%%%% The counter for the temporary files is never incremented. So there is only "jobname-externalfilter-PythonCode-0.tmp" in the directory. Consequently, Code B appears twice in the produced PDF, while Code A never appears. 2. Every line in the Python code becomes a new paragraph in ConTeXt. I wonder if this could be changed. I am using \setupwitespace[line], so the spacing between two lines of source is too large. I am using the dev/ branch in the github repository. Thank you very much. regards, shenchen