I am making my first e-book. And am now seriously using ConTeXt. But I have a lot to learn. In my ebook I want to use citations. In two different way. For starters I want to let every chapter start with a citation. At the moment I think that this does not need to be fancy. Just a little bigger font and a different color and white-space after it. But if there is a better way, I do not mind to hear it. The trickier part is in the text itself. I would like to use citations near the text itself. For example: when I write that you need to set goals to fulfill your potential, I like to have nearby the citation from Abraham Lincoln: 'A goal properly set is halfway reached'. I have this seen done in several way: with and without a surrounding box. With and without flowing text, etc. What is the best way to do this? On one side concerning the medium. (I think that an e-book asks for something else as a normal book.) On the other side concerning the best way to implement it in ConTeXt. -- Cecil Westerhof