Hi. I'm trying to figure out the limitation of \start/stophangaround commands. 1. Is it correct that currently the figure could be placed only on left? If so is it easy to extend the command to allow placing figure at right side? 2. Is there way to increase/decrease the space between the text and image? 3. Is it correct that hangaround command is tricky hack that change normal flow? I prepare simple example (it is attached). 1) is obvious from the example (default behavior I assume). 3): I got the '2.' not on left side as 1) and 3) but on left side of text block right after image. Another example if 3): if I put empty line between \starthangaround and \input (see the file) then there would be mess. P.S. I tried the example with MkIV only. --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov