Given a file, data.d, containing 1 4 7

I expected the following code to draw a line from (4,1) to (7,1)…

  draw begingraph(5cm,5cm);
    gdata("data.d", v,    
      for n = 1 upto 3:
      a[n] = scantokens v[n];

      show a1; show a2; show a3; % numeric
      show v1; show v2; show v3; % string
      gdraw (a2,a1)—(a3,a1); % same problem in or out of data group

…the show lines return what I expected, but then come the complaints:

! Inconsistent equation (off by 0.90000000000000002)…
>> (0,0,1,0,0,yypart S)
! Transform components aren't all known…

My goal is to draw multiple box plots, either vertical or horizontal, from data sets, but I am stuck at this early stage.