Hi list After writing some documents in LaTeX I discovered ConTeX. It's a great macro package for TeX. It gives me the flexibility I missed with LaTeX. However it isn't that easy to start with :-) Especially when some advanced functionality is needed... I write a document where I have to describe requirements. I want to give these requirements a running number over all chapters and I also need to prioritise them. My idea is to describe the requirements in several chapter. At the end I want to list all the requirements together with their priority. I tried the following code but unfortunately it didn't work: \defineenumeration[Requirement][location=left,text=Req,width=broad,after={\blank[small]}] \defineblock[Requirement,Priority] \setupblock[Requirement][after=] \hideblocks[Priority] \starttext \chapter{Description of requirements} \beginRequirement \Requirement A requirement \par \endRequirement \beginPriority A \endPriority Description of the requirement. \beginRequirement \Requirement An other requirement \par \endRequirement \beginPriority C \endPriority Description of the requirement. \chapter{Additional requirements} \beginRequirement \Requirement An additional requirement \par \endRequirement \beginPriority B \endPriority Description of the requirement. \beginRequirement \subRequirement A sub requirement \par \endRequirement \beginPriority C \endPriority Description of the requirement. \chapter{Summary of requirements} % Here I would like to list all requirements with their priorities in a table % I tried something like this but it didn't work \reset[Requirement] \setupblock[Requirement][before=\HL\VL,after=] \setupblock[Priority][before=\VL,after=\VL\MR \starttable[|l|c|] \useblocks[Requirement,Priority] \stoptable \stoptext Is it possible to use text blocks within tables or does an other way exists to do the same thing? It doesn’t have to be a table necessarily. I need some sort of compact listing. Thanks in advance for your help! Michael