Some things I do not understand about sorting: This is the example: \def\sortprocess#1{{\bf #1}} \definesorting[city][cities][\callupcities] \setupsorting[city][criterium=all,command=\sortprocess] \city{Londen} \city{Berlijn} \city{New York} \city{Parijs} \city{Amstelveen} \placelistofcities \callupcities question 1. The manual states (p.163) "When we add a command in the third argument during the definition of the sorted list we may recall sorted list with this command." However \callupcities gives me this error: Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \callupcities was complete. \par question 2. The command \sortprocess does work, the items are in bold. But they now are typeset next to one another instead of each one on a line by itself, as occurs without command=\sortprocess on the setup. Hans van der Meer