After some hassles (no problem with me, to be expected from something new as luatexbeta) I finally got as far as: compiling and installing luatex, luatools and friends. setting up shell variables. doing "texexec --make --all --luatex" Alas, mag12 tells about installing luatex, it does not tell me how to run things. I thought that "luatex --fmt=cont-en luatest1.tex" would work, but it gives me: This is luaTeX, Version 3.141592-beta-0.10.2-2007081511 (Web2C 7.5.6) I can't find the format file `cont-en.fmt'! Now doing "luatools --ini --compile cont-en" tells me "Beginning to dump on file cont-en.fmt (format=cont-en 2007.8.15)" but even then I get: 126 ~/temp/luatex: luatex --fmt=cont-en luatest1.tex This is luaTeX, Version 3.141592-beta-0.10.2-2007081511 (Web2C 7.5.6) I can't find the format file `cont-en.fmt'! And no better with: 127 ~/temp/luatex: luatex --fmt=cont-en.fmt luatest1.tex I did the example "luatools lmr12.afm" and it gave neatly "/usr/local/ texlive/2007/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/lm/lmr12.afm" but if I do "luatools cont-en.fmt" it just returns an empty message. How do I proceed? What am I missing here? Hans van der Meer