Am 13.10.2013 um 11:56 schrieb Zhichu Chen <>:

Thanks for the descriptions. I have made a small test and turns out the "regularfont" has to be assigned to something or the other "xxxfont"s won't have any effects.

Here's my code:
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [serif] [adobesongstd]
and if I remove the "regularfont=..." line, the boldface Chinese characters will use the Adobe Song Std font as well. Same thing happened when I used the "preset=xxx" option which I don't know if it is intended to behave like that, by the way.     

I can fit this, it’s a side effect for font families with a single font, e.g. Adobe Song Std which has only the Light font but no files for regular, bold etc.

Oh, and off the topic, can I use "effect" to assign the fonts? Like if I have defined
I would like to use this effect to apply to my bold fonts, maybe:
\setupfontfamily [serif] [DejaVu Serif] [boldfont=effect:mybold]
I know this has nothing to do with this module. I just thought this might be interesting.

That’s not possible but you can the slant and extend options from \definefontfeature.
