Hello context-friends, I have switched from Latex to Context and my first impression of Context is: WOW :-) Unfortunately, I did not understand how to switch between landscape and portrait. Here a minimal working example: \mainlanguage[en] \setuplayout[ paper=A4, topspace=1cm, header=2cm, headerdistance=0.25cm, footerdistance=0.25cm, footer=0.6cm, bottomspace=1cm, margin=2.5cm, width=middle, height=middle] \starttext \showframe \chapter{First chapter} \input knuth % Change to landscape \page\setuppapersize[A4,landscape][A4,landscape] \section{First section} \input knuth % Reverts to the global layout \page\setuppapersize[A4,portrait][A4,portrait] \chapter{Second chapter} \input knuth \stoptext As you can see in the result the layout of the landscaped-page is not as I expected. Can somebody help me? Best regards, Peer