Hello again, So I decide to try with tables: \starttable[|m|m|m|m|m|m|m|m|m|] \NC \VL I\NC R\NC R^2\NC R^3\NC F\NC FR\NC FR^2\NC FR^3\AR \HL \NC I \VL I\NC R\NC R^2\NC R^3\NC F\NC FR\NC FR^2\NC FR^3\NR \NC R\VL R\NC R^2\NC R^3\NC I\NC FR\NC FR^2\NC FR^3\NC F\NR \NC R^2\VL R^2\NC R^3\NC I\NC R\NC FR^2\NC FR^3\NC F\NC FR\NR \NC R^3\VL R^3\NC I\NC R\NC R^2\NC FR^3\NC F\NC FR\NC FR^2\NR \NC F\VL F\NC FR^3\NC FR^2\NC FR\NC I\NC R^3\NC R^2\NC R\NR \NC FR\VL FR\NC F\NC FR^3\NC FR^2\NC R\NC I\NC R^3\NC R^2\NR \NC FR^2\VL FR^2\NC FR\NC F\NC FR^3\NC R^2\NC R\NC I\NC R^3\NR \NC FR^3\VL FR^3\NC FR^2\NC FR\NC F\NC R^3\NC R^2\NC R\NC I\NR \stoptable This almost works, yet in the pdf output ("texexec"), there's an extra column at the right full of "[missing column]". What's going on here? Actually, so far the best I've managed to do was to whip up a plain basic array, and then insert two lines with TiKZ. Clumsy, but so far it's the only thing I've got to work... -Alasdair