just realized: is it perhaps that in the first case, the square brackets are interpreted as a list of parameters to \startformula?

2011/5/12 Julian Becker <becker.julian@gmail.com>
I just found out that I cannot (with MkIV on Windows XP, ConTeXt  ver. 2011.02.09 16:42) compile the following

This formula produces an error:
[r_{\rm test}]=a
However, this works:
a=[r_{\rm test}]

What's going on here? Using \mathrm instead of \rm in the subscript is compiling without complaint, but produces the wrong output.


Julian Becker
Institut für Angewandte Physik, R.123
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Corrensstr. 2/4
48149 Münster / Westfalen
Tel. 0251 83-3 61 53
Mob. 0151 599 848 29
e-mail: j_beck16@uni-muenster.de

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for it is the wellspring of life."