> From: sbbrouwer@gmail.com > Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 13:45:20 +0200 > Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Change color of EPS file. > To: ntg-context@ntg.nl > CC: ryzz@hotmail.fr > > Hello Pol stra, > > Off-topic for this mailing list, but on-topic for you: You can do this > with Inkscape. > > * Install Inkscape: http://inkscape.org/download/?lang=en > * Open the EPS in Inkscape > > Working white-on-white sucks, so > * File > Document properties > click to the right of 'Background:', > below the Default units dropdown > * Choose something nice and pastel-coloured with alpha (opacity) set > to non-zero. > > * Select the object > * Object > Ungroup (Ctrl+Shift+G) to make Inkscape see the individual > paths, instead of a single EPS object > The single rectangle selecting the object has now turned into a heap > of rectangles. > * With the colours at the bottom, set the fill to be red with click > and/or set the stroke to be red with Shift+click > > This will probably not have the desired effect because some of the > constituent paths will have black fill+transparent stroke, and with > others it will be the other way round. So you'll have to set > fill/stroke individually. > > * Select paths in turn, and set their fill/stroke as appropriate. > Their respective values are shown in the bottom left. If you select > multiple paths and their fill/stroke is different, it will be shown as > "mixed"; when multiple paths' fills/strokes are not mixed they are > identical, and you can change them all at once. > > (Depending on ... file-related things ... you may need to use Path > > Object to Path at some point, and possibly Path > Break Apart. But > probably not.) > > Good luck! > > --Sietse Thanks Sietse I already tried the inskape way, but it’s too much work if you have many files to proced. But your answer gave me the idea to use imegemagick, so I found this trick: convert -background none -density 300 -negate a1.EPS bbb.png I do not know why, but the same command with an EPS output gives me a white background so I had use a png file. The result is good enough for me. Thanks again