Hello. I´m new in this list and using Context. I make books for a small edit shop in Buenos Aires, Argentina specialized in Antropology. I used to work with Ventura publisher in windows, then I decided to use linux/latex, and after a few books using latex, i´m trying to use Context because I think it´s better. Anyway, it´s dificult for me. Now, I need help in this: In latex, I use this command: \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Índice} .... \renewcommand{\chapter}{Capitulo} to obtain the names of the parts of the book in spanish. I only need in spanish Bobliography and Índice (Content). How can I obtain the same in Context? Thankyou very mach. _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/