On 18 Jul 2023, at 23:30, Wolfgang Schuster <wolfgang.schuster.lists@gmail.com> wrote:

Gerben Wierda schrieb am 18.07.2023 um 23:23:
Check all entries with \definefontfamily, maybe something isn't commented but should be.


Everything font in my file:


\definefontfeature [expandophian] [extend=1.025]
   bi=style:Bold Italic]  

You use separate arguments ( [ ... ] ) for the features and font ( "tf=..." etc.) settings, put both in one argument and the error disappears.


   bi=style:Bold Italic]

no more error. Same behaviour, though.

The ConTeXt interface keeps confusing me. Sometimes something is a free variable name, sometimes fixed. Sometimes [] is used, sometimes {}. Sometimes there are a variable number of [] parts.