Dear Wolfgang,

I found that the previous run “mtxrun - script font…” cheked the fonts for TeXLive 2017.
So I run “setuptex” for ConTeXt standalone and run “mtxrun” again.
After that I compiled the same file.
The result is that \tt works as Nanum Gothic Coding but \ss still not working.
“Nanum Gothic” file was not found yet.

I am using Mac OSX 10.13 and latest beta.

Thank you.

Best regards,


2017. 12. 7. 오전 2:17, 작성:

You need fonts [1-3]  which contains hangul characters (don’t forget to 
set a math font because it is used for the symbols in enumerations) and 
you have to enable linebreaking for korean with the \setscript command.

%%%% begin example
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [rm] [Nanum Myeongjo] [preset=range:korean]
\definefontfamily     [mainface] [rm] [DejaVu Serif]

\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [ss] [Nanum Gothic] [preset=range:korean]
\definefontfamily     [mainface] [ss] [DejaVu Sans]

\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [tt] [Nanum Gothic Coding] 
\definefontfamily     [mainface] [tt] [DejaVu Sans Mono] [features=none]

\definefontfamily     [mainface] [mm] [DejaVu Math]




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%%%% end example